
How Much Does a Revegetation Application Actually Cost?

Finding out how much a revegetation application costs on your project is a simple four-step process, which you can navigate through in your own time.

Step 2: Answer the Three Most Influential Questions

We will calculate a price for your project based on the three most influential factors including:

  • What is the size of the area to be sprayed?
  • What is the distance from our office or other scheduled work to your job site?
  • What is the type of application you need for your site?

Our costs are based on a minimum area requirement but we understand that every project is unique, so it is best to contact us if your site has an area of less than 3,000 sqm. Smaller works can be incorporated with other works, which will reduce costs by minimising associated site establishment fees. 

A higher site establishment fee will be applicable for works that require an increased amount of travelling.  As mentioned above, site establishment fees can be decreased if works are completed in conjunction with another project.

Choosing the right application for your site will save you time and money you will spend on reworks if the application fails to produce the desired results. Deciding on which application is best suited to the conditions present on site involves conducting a soil test of the material by an accredited company.  We use Sydney Environmental Soils Laboratory (SESL), which provides recommendations for the addition of various fertilisers and ameliorants according to the conditions present in the site-tested soils.

Want to get a rough estimate? Click on the link below.

Got more questions? Book a time to chat with one of our friendly team members.

Step 3: What are the Differences in Revegetation Applications?

The Application Comparison table below shows the ingredients included in our Hydroseed, Hydromulch and Compost Blanket Applications.

If you need more information about our applications, click on the table below, which will take you to our Applications Guide.

If you’re ready for a custom quote, click on “Get a Quote” at the bottom of the page.

Step 4: Are You Ready to Get a Quote for Your Project?

Custom Pricing

By getting to this point, you've armed yourself with all of the knowledge you require to get an accurate quote tailored to your own wants and needs.